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Born to European immigrants, I spent several years of my childhood growing up in Darmstadt Germany where I began learning to ride at the Darmstadter Reiterverein. Many of my weekends were spent visiting relatives in Sulzfeld a. Main, a charming, romantic wine town in the northern part of Bavaria. The town with it's cobblestone streets, originated in the 13th century and is surrounded by a wall, where one enters through one of 18 towers and entrances. The vineyards, with the summer gardens, was my playground.
Summers were spent in Norway and traveling throughout Europe. Much of my inspiration to create sculpture has come from memories of the equestrian statues positioned in city centers throughout Europe.
Sulzfeld Am Main |
After returning to America, where I completed High School, I moved to North Yorkshire England, studied Computer Science and began my career in Satellite Communications. I lived there for 5 years and continued to pursue my passion for riding with an emphasis on dressage and the occassional hunter trial. During this time, I lived at High North Farm which further sparked my dream of one day, having a farm of my own with a view to my horses outside. I had already begun designing my barn at the early age of 5, so I was well on my way!
My career in the Satellite business took me to the San Francisco bay area where I worked in Satellite operations, Orbit Determination, Satellite Imagery and then transitioned to Medical Ultrasound technology.
While in California, I had the privilege of riding with Ursula von der Leyen, and on a couple of occasions we traveled to the Lower Saxony region of Germany to purchase horses for friends. During these trips, childhood memories of the equestrian statues, and the impact they had on me, were brought to the forefront of my mind and the idea of becoming a sculptor immerged.
I now live and work as a full-time sculptor in beautiful Bucks County Pennsylvania, on my small farm, with views outside to my horse Ami, Machu Picchu, Lightning and my pygmy goats.
As with many artists, my love of horses began with childhood dreams of ownership and grew as I progressed through years of training and competition. Regardless of the sport a rider chooses, what remains universal and infinitely inspiring is the generosity and versatility of a horse in the hands of a good horseman. The spiritual relationship between horse and rider is as profound in the nickered anticipation of morning grain as it is in the surging thrill of a beach gallop. My artistic intent is to celebrate the wonderful world of horses through the creation of horses in fine art.
My craft is born of disciplined self-development and anatomical study, and rigorous training at the side of nationally recognized equine sculptors. My work is rewarded with inclusion in juried exhibitions throughout the US, including exhibitions at the American Academy of Equine Art at the Kentucky Horse Park (Lexington, KY), the National Sculpture Society in New York City and a wide variety of private collections. I welcome commissions for individuals, memorial and perpetual trophies.
As an artist, I am often asked where my ability to create sculpture came from. People often suggest that artists are born with the ability to create. Perhaps I was born with the desire to create, but the ability to create has taken endless hours of drawing and anatomical study to capture with accuracy, the subjects of my fascination.
To the right is an example of a drawing that I did at the age of 5, which was later used as a template for a pillowcase. As a child, I was unable to have a horse of my own, so drawing became a way of expressing my passion for horses.

Copyright © 1997 - 2014 Sand Seelmann Sculptures, Mary Sand Studio - All rights reserved